2.0 | 1.0 | 0.11 | 0.10 | 0.9Series Highlights
- Logging and stats [DB]
- Podcast support
- Support for extra song options like lyrics, tabs, etc.
- Internal caching options
Requires at least PHP 4.1.x (recommend: magic_quotes_gpc OFF / register_globals OFF).
NOTES: This series adds optional features like statistics, logging and voting that require a database. It will function like the 0.11.x series without a database, i.e. the database is optional.
MySQL 4.1.x is required for some optional features noted by [DB] below. You can use your 0.11.x zina.ini.php file.
v1.0rc4 (2008 Aug 18)
- SECURITY FIX: CVE-2008-2494
- SECURITY FIX: CVE-2008-2495
- NEW: Serbian translation (Natacha Banovic)
v1.0rc3 (2007 May 26)
- FIX: Better Unicode support. Hopefully.
- NEW: Vietnamese translation (Alex Dang).
v1.0rc2 (2006 Dec 30)
- FIX: Potential security bugs.
- FIX: Minor translation bug when changing languages.
- NEW: An alternate Japanese character set (Hisanori Muramoto).
v1.0rc1 (2006 Dec 16)
- NEW: Option to show album year in subdirectory listing.
- FIX: Stats period no longer worked.
- FIX: SockCrystal theme background image not showing up
v0.12.12 (2006 Mar 19)
- NEW: Optional song options to display lyrics, tabs, etc.
- NEW: Optional Category/Artist/Album/Stats page caching.
- NEW: Optional image caching for resized images.
- NEW[DB]: Option to play random songs via Rated Albums or Artists
- NEW: Option to limit the number of ID3 tags read when streaming internally and adding #EXTINF info to playlist and returning large playlists...for performance reasons.
- NEW: Alternate German translation by Philipp Bock.
- NEW: Polish translation by Krzysztof 'Mad Max' Laska.
- FIX[DB]: Better logic in playing songs by ratings.
v0.12.11 (2006 Feb 27)
- NEW[DB]: Option to randomly play songs of certain rated values (e.g. all songs with 5 star ratings)
- FIX: Admin password would reset to default when changing settings through GUI.
- FIX/NEW: Can change the song listing title via the GUI.
v0.12.10 (2005 Dec 17)
- NEW[DB]: New stats summary option (log in and populate database first)
- NEW: Option to allow ".." in paths and filenames (opens you up to directory transversal vulnerbilities). Not relevant when running Zina locally.
- FIX[DB]: Optimized statistics SQL.
- FIX: asx playlist bug
- FIX: Can have diff versions running
- FIX: Genre generation is now manual.
v0.12.09 (2005 Oct 16)
- FIX: $a = null
- FIX: apostrophes in genre names playlist
- FIX: trailing space in directory names
- FIX: set_timeout_limit in safemode
v0.12.08 (2005 Oct 03)
- FIX[DB]: Left some debugging stuff in when viewing stats. doh.
v0.12.06-07 (2005 Sep 24)
- FIX: Podcasting should now work...but music files need to be in the webroot (I think this is a podcasting/iTunes thing, using a url that isn't a directly linked music file doesn't seem to work)
- NEW: Some minor enhancements when using podcasting with iTunes.
- FIX[DB]: Major performance fix for viewing stats.
- FIX[DB]: Minor visual fix on stats page from category template bleed-through.
v0.12.05 (2005 Sep 14)
- NEW: Initial support for DragonflyCMS.
- NEW: Option to allow sorting of "Category" directories by Name/Date ascending and descending.
- FIX: Displaying items on the genres page was broken.
v0.12.04 (2005 Sep 2)
- FIX: Drupal streaming broken in certain setups.
v0.12.03 (2005 Aug 29)
- NEW: Preliminary support for RSS/Podcast feeds. Experimental, because I don't have an iPod.
- FIX: Xoops admin support was broken.
- FIX: Mambo streaming support was broken.
v0.12.02 (2005 Aug 26)
- NEW: Preliminary support for use as a e107 plugin.
- FIX: Using fake songs and ratings resulted in visual ugliness.
- FIX[DB]: File ratings were displayed incorrectly in statistics summary.
v0.12.01 (2005 Aug 21)
- NEW[DB]: Optional via database: logging of plays, views, downloads. Rating of files and directories. Statistics page displaying the plays, views, downloads, ratings of files and directories.
- NEW: Preliminary support for use as a Drupal module.
- NEW: Premilinary support for use as a phpWebSite module.